Length: Single Semester
Contact: Technologies Leader
Course Description
Students will develop skills in working with fabric textiles such as dying, painting, embellishing and constructing garments and fabric. Practical work is a strong feature of this course and students will develop a folio of work related to garment construction and fabric design. Students will explore ethical fabric printing methods such as natural dyes and compare the outcomes to commercial packet dyes. Using their individualised fabrics students will produce a range of accessories such as hats and bags.
A focus on sustainable fashion and entrepreneurial thinking in the textiles industry will underpin the theory components of the learning, including research and reflective tasks.
Note: Basic materials will be provided. Students may need to supply their own fabric for major projects.
Year 9 Students are assessed according to the Technologies Achievement Standards outlined in the Australian Curriculum, with A-E Grades used for reporting.
Assessment types include practical and group activities and written assignments
Leads To
Year 10 Fashion and Textiles