Year 12 – Creative Arts

Recommended Background
No prerequisites.
Advantage: Satisfactory completion of Year 11 Creative Arts.

Course Description
Stage 2 Creative Arts provides the opportunity for students to negotiate and participate in the development and presentation of Creative Arts products from across the range of arts disciplines, catering for differing interests across The Arts.

Students are required to work through the Creative Arts Processes which guide them through:

  1. Investigating products of past and present practitioners
  2. Conceptualizing, designing and planning products
  3. Understanding concepts and using this understanding to inform the development and production stages
  4. Developing products using imaginative, innovative and lateral thinking and applying problem solving skills.
  5. Using and refining techniques, processes and technologies.
  6. Rehearsing, practicing, refining, displaying and or presenting work to others
  7. Working productively and being self-driven
  8. Reflecting on and evaluating the purpose or function of the creative arts against a personal aesthetic.

The following list describes the range of product forms that students might select,
together with prior experience that will be an advantage to students in each:

  • Film Production
  • Photography
  • Graphic Design/ Visual Communications
  • Animation (e.g. 2D, 3D, clay etc)
  • Game Production
  • Websites
  • Craft Projects (e.g. embroidery, papercraft, knitting/crochet etc)
  • Advertising Campaigns
  • Graphic Novels, comics, character design.
  • Illustrated Children’s Books
  • Architecture, interior and landscape design
  • Fashion Design
  • Special Effects Makeup
  • Set Design and props
  • Product Design, including packaging design, furniture design etc.
  • Visual Art works, Public Art, Installations
  • Digital Music Mixing

Students’ performance will be determined according to the subject’s performance Standards, as outlined by the SACE Board. Grades A+ to E- will be used for reporting purposes.

School-based Assessment:

  • Products (50%) – 2 products at 25% each (including a folio of preparatory supporting work for each)
  • Investigation (20%) – 1 investigation at 20% (or two investigations at 10% each if required).

External Assessment:

  • Practical Skills Folio (30%)