Length: Full Year (20 SACE credits)
Contact: Science Leader
Recommended Background
Grade C or higher in a Stage 1 Psychology, Biology, Chemistry or Physics
Grade C or higher in Stage 1 English or Stage 1 English Literary Studies.
Course Description
Stage 2 Psychology builds on the scientific method by involving students in the collection and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data. By emphasising evidence-based procedures (i.e. observation, experimentation and experience) the subject allows students to develop useful skills in analytical and critical thinking and in making inferences.
In Stage 2 Psychology students study the following topics:
- Topic 1: Psychology of the Individual
- Topic 2: Psychological Health and Wellbeing
- Topic 3: Organisational Psychology
- Topic 4: Social Influence
- Topic 5: The Psychology of Learning
Students’ performance will be determined according to the subject’s Performance Standards, as outlined by the SACE Board. Grades A+ to E- will be used for reporting purposes.
School-based Assessment:
- Investigations folio (30%): This includes 2 Investigations, one Deconstruction Design and one Science as a Human Endeavour
- Skills and Applications Tasks (40%): Tasks including tests, extended response questions and research assignments.
External Assessment:
- Examination (30%).