Length: Full Year
Contact: Maths Leader
Course Description
In the Year 9 Mathematics course students will work independently and collaboratively to develop mathematical skills and understandings in the areas of:
• Number and Algebra
• Measurement and Geometry
• Statistics and Probability.
Learning in each of these areas is designed to support and challenge students to develop strength in the mathematical proficiencies of:
• Understanding: Connecting ideas, processes and representations in mathematics.
• Fluency: Choosing and using appropriate mathematical language, processes and representations.
• Problem Solving: Interpreting and modelling contexts using mathematics, formulating an approach, and applying and revising strategies to seek solutions.
• Reasoning: Analysing, proving, explaining and justifying mathematical choices, evaluating, inferring and generalising.
All students must purchase a Scientific Calculator to support their engagement with this course.
A Graphics calculator is required for some Year 12 Mathematics subjects, and it can be advantageous for students to be familiar with this technology from the middle year of mathematics. Your child’s teacher will inform you if a Graphics calculator would be appropriate for them.
Year 9 Students are assessed according to the Maths Achievement Standards outlined in the Australian Curriculum, with A-E Grades used for reporting. Assessment types include tests, skills and applications tasks, directed investigations and problem solving activities.
Leads To
Year 10 Mathematics