Year 10 – Engineering and Drafting (CAD)

Length: Single Semester
Contact: Technologies Leader

Recommended Background

No prerequisites.

Course Description

By the end of Year 10, students will be able to create a design solution based on a student design brief /challenge.

This CAD/CAM course provides the opportunity to:

  • Create a design solution based on a student design brief / challenge.
  • Develop understanding of technical drawing practices used in the construction and manufacturing sectors such as drafting, modelling and 3D prototyping.
  • Develop understanding of techniques and methods that reflect the Australian Standards.
  • Learn about 2 and 3 dimensional drawing systems and gain experience in the use of CAD software AutoCAD and Inventor.

Students will learn to use the design process to develop a solution to a given problem, producing a work plan and sketch prior to modelling. They will develop skills in evaluating final products against the given design brief and identification of possible modifications.

Where possible students will be given the opportunity to design and produce a small item using one or more of the following CAD/CAM computer-controlled machines: milling machine, laser cutting machine and/or 3D printer.


Student performance will be determined according to the Technologies Achievement Standards as outlined in the framework of the Australian Curriculum. Grades from A to E will be used for reporting purposes.
Assessment types will include:

  • Process and Production Skills
    • Major Design Project
    • Design Folio: Investigating, Planning, Producing, Evaluating
    • Skills exercises.
  • Knowledge and Understanding
    • Written Assignments (Research and analysis): Technology and its impacts on society, environment
    • Theory Tests.

Note: Basic project materials are supplied, however students may be required to pay additional costs if their projects exceed the allocated amount.

Stage 1 – Engineering and Drafting (CAD)