Length: Full Year (Two 10 credit semesters)
Contact: Maths Leader
Recommended Background
C Grade or better in Year 10 Mathematics and teacher recommendation.
Course Description
Stage 1 General Mathematics is suitable for students wanting to continue studies in technical trades, business, human services and health sciences and prepares students for entry to tertiary courses requiring a non-specialised background in mathematics. This subject extends students’ mathematical skills in ways that apply to practical problem solving. Topics cover a diverse range of applications of mathematics, including personal financial management, measurement and trigonometry, the statistical investigation process, modelling using linear and nonlinear functions, and discrete modelling using networks and matrices.
Stage 1 General Mathematics consists of the following seven topics:
Topic 1: Investing and borrowing
Topic 2: Measurement
Topic 3: Statistical investigation
Topic 4: Applications of trigonometry
Topic 5: Linear and exponential functions and their graphs
Topic 6: Matrices and networks
Topic 7: Open topic.
Note: A SACE approved graphics calculator is required for this course. It is highly recommended that students purchase a suitable calculator as they commence this course.
Students will complete three summative tests and one folio task per semester.
Leads To
Stage 2 General Mathematics